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  • When are lessons available?
    Our lessons are term time only as a rule, and are delivered in blocks of 12. We often coach swimming camps during the school holidays.
  • What age do my children have to be to join?
    We find as a coaching team around three years of age is a good time to try to encourage your children to learn to swim. Both the child and parent will gain more from the lessons then. Occasionally we do take children younger depending on availibility. However these children are quite often siblings of other children swimming already at that time.
  • Do you have an awards scheme?
    We strive to give as much feedback as possibe both to the parents and child. The children will follow the Swim England Awards Scheme. This comprises of a huge range of rewards. The children will start their swimming pathway as a duckling and then progress through the stages earning distance awards as they go. The children will also receive a written report and a badge and certificate after each term completed.
  • What do I need to bring to Lessons?
    All swimming aids are at the pool, so it's just costumes, googles and towels that you are required to bring along.
  • Do I need to get in the water with my child?
    No, our coaching team will take care of that for you and will teach from within the water with your child if that is the best way of gaining success for the particular outcomes that the instructor is looking for.
  • Can I watch my child learn to swim?
    Yes we encourage all parents to be part of their child's swimming journey and actively encourage you to watch from the seating areas on poolside.
  • Which Changing Facilities do I or my child use ?
    As a general guide, it is accepted practise that if your child is aged 8 or over, that they use their own gender changing rooms. Some of our pools also have access to disabled changing facilities and direct poolside access if required. Please contact the team if you require more detailed information on this.
Sport Education Swim School Ltd.
38 Guest Avenue,
Emersons Green
BS16 7GA
 Tel: 07500 667 298
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Sport Education Swim School Ltd

VAT No. 310250274

Company Registration No 10751334

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